
url: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24132631 , 181 pts

Product Hunt

post on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mindmapping/comments/jz25pv/which_is_the_best_free_mind_mapping_software/

alternativeto type sites for all competitors/thinking tools

https://alternativeto.net/software/kinopio/ [pending approval]

research Notion: Ambassador , affiliate

an overnight success, 3 years in the making

export , no sign up. for visual/spatial thinkers

re-reach out to keep productive



marketing , post to https://betalist.com/

review last vid to see whats missing, have i addressed that?

Analysze glitch marketing actions

new tagging, journaling, backgrounds, .?

analyze roam marketing

original vid published in jun 1

webapp perf/architecture

more templates, like weekly planner

Marketing/Positioning exercise

filters : who made , when

pricing 4$/mo

?incomplete tasks

Qs from weiwei

how do you get the word out? what works? outreaching?

after, add to show HN

rough notes from chatting w phoebe

: bloggers/vloggers: notion “how i run my life”, non-productivity bloggers too

- once ppl have it in front of them, it’ll be cool


-- ppl interesting in writing/writing tools

shorter email = better

have heard of mind mapping tools, but a lot of ppl

poet: Ruth Awolola: london lib , how she writes with mindmapping as a tool. showed her notebooks. https://www.bl.uk/childrens-books/videos/mind-mapping-for-poetry