Rules for Computing Happiness
Use as little software as possible
Use simple tools that do one thing well
Pay for software that’s worth paying for
Do not use software that does many things poorly
Only use software with business incentives aligned with your values
VC funding will need to be payed back eventually – usually by screwing you over
Enterprise software sucks because it’s made for corporate buyers, not users
If you write or express yourself online, have your own domain name and email address
It’s a little annoying to set up, but having secure passwords and keeping them out of your brain is worth the effort
Megacorps return shareholder value . Increasingly short term. We’re in the enshittification age
Plantstudioo post
That’s platform agnostic. Platform lockin will screw you over in time
Some of my favorites
2fa using otp, authenticated app is ideal
Kinopio (of course)
Use a Mac for personal computing
Firefox to Orion (simple fast, minimal)
Here’s what my setup looks like
IA writer
list paid service subscriptions
Over the years I’ve slowly found my favorite things. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels good to use something for a long time and know you may never need another
Postico to TablePlus (Lucas rec)