Feature 2 - Date
Feature 5 - Date
Feature 3 - Date
Updating the Space of the week
Updating the What’s New dialog
Instructions for how to update the blog space and the What's New
The blog space is meant to be an easy to update running log of new feature releases and what we’re up to right now
To add a new feature or update, use select all below
to shift everything else down and add your content
newest at the top
let’s also keep this simple, either just a simple space link or a space link + screenshot of the space
New features live in their own box below the others
also provide some context about why we like/chose this space
I did x y z
Fixed bugs
completed tasks or bugs are outside boxes because they’re not as important
The what’s new list is updated directly in the db for now
just add a new record with an incremented id
and fill in the fields