Green Knight

Tuesday, Jun 4
The past
Reflect on a moment in your life when you felt a deep sense of connection with someone. What were the circumstances, and what do you think made that connection so strong?
A bucket of chips
There is something about 90’s anime - a draw of a time in my life? or just a false nostalgia; longing.
Trying to sleep earlier tomorrow, wind down at 10:30 and read/traditional inboxing with notebook
CARA is neat, i’m not bound to any social apps anymore - I don’t feel I suit being online // attachment. // I lean towards vanishing off grid and forage back again when the time is right.

I tried the daily posting, which I did find fruitful as an exercise; but an not needed as another stressor in life. Though I might pick this back up - I have some client artwork to do; which I will refocus the time back into that.
It’s cool to see art again, a mix between my IG and Artstation folks (Industry titans)