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BG: Fletchwind
Phleghmbog Thickets

As you step into the Phleghmbog Thickets, you’re immediately enveloped by the dense, muggy air of this swampy wilderness. It’s strangely cold as you continue forward.
Cleaned up space
Switching more to 2e, so adding backgrounds to each character.
The ground squelches beneath your feet, a thick layer of muck and rotting vegetation that seems to cling to your boots with every step.
Added players handbook - for quick references (19mb via box)
Towering, gnarled trees draped in hanging moss create a canopy that barely lets in any light, casting eerie shadows on the murky waters that snake through the undergrowth.
Upon arriving at the campsite, you notice the crispness in the air, a sign that the temperature in the forest has dropped. The site has an odd atmosphere; you all notice that the color has been drained from the surroundings. A dead campfire sits in the middle, surrounded by piles of dark grey bedding. Overgrown flora dominates the area, though some of the plants have managed to retain their vibrant colors.
🎲 6
Relics originate in the Roots. They cannot be created by humans, only found. They are ancient, and yet they sprout from rubble as if grown there.
🎲 4
THE WOODS ======== The Wood surrounds and divides the realm, representing not just one forest, but all forests. Denizens of the Wood are fiercely independent, believing they are subject solely to its rules. Its various peoples, creatures, and unrelenting natural elements have kept the outside world at bay since time immemorial. The Wood is the spirit of all forests, and they in turn are its flesh, and the life they support a sign of its health.
🎲 2
Magic is rare and dangerous. Relics and Spellbooks are not well understood, and attempting to manipulate their power may lead to self destruction.
How do you all proceed?
🎲 5
The Wood is a porous dungeon. It has rooms and traps and hazards but can also be traversed in different ways: one can always climb a tree. This makes it no less dangerous.
The Wood is not empty of people. Hidden in the boughs and in empty glades are populated villages, rustic cabins, and the odd tower.
If the webs are in reach, he tries to touch them.
Rem searches for a bottle, possibly with water, in their rations.
The Roots are a foreign land. Time, logic, and matter operate by principles so alien as to make them unknowable. (Accessible through Gates)
If not, he holds his slingshot up at the ready, and pulls back on it ready to fire in case anything pops out.
🎲 Roll me a 1d6
Inhabitants, including Goblins, Spirits, Treants, Trolls, Werewolves, Witches, and talking plants and animals, live by the forest’s rules.
🎲 1
“If anyone is afraid of spiders now would be a good time to get over it. There was a huge spider here that could have been able to hunt a bear!”
There is only one Wood. It is not one forest, but all forests. It is neither Good nor Evil but simply wishes to grow, to be free, and to protect itself.
While many are hostile to outsiders, some will interact with those who respect the Wood.
considering whether it makes sense to climb a nearby tree to get a better perspective on who might be around
If possible, Síofra would lift parts of the webs with her axe to examine them further
Most villages are within a day’s walk from one another to ensure the safety of travelers. Camping is a last resort, and those that journey far rarely return.
All inhabitants respect the Fae, also known as the Pale Folk or the Neighbors.
🎲 Roll me a 1d20, compare it to your STR with card --->>
Can I try to extract the silk?
Given the circumstances. I would consider this a roll for the climbing action. As there is a risk here; due to environment and the biome
Sure, roll a 1d6 for me, and how would you do it?
my STR is 5
Rolled a 14
do i add the flowers to rem’s inventory? is this a petty item?
An injured spider? Strange... especially such a large one based on the footprints... And what if it needs help? No creature should go through the pain of suffering and possibly dying alone!
Roll a d20 and compare the results to the your STR attribute. If equal to or under that attribute, success. Otherwise, failure. 1 is always a success and a 20 is always a failure.
This is called a Saving throw btw.
Usually a roll occurs when there is a risk to the character.

The black web silk
In parts of Vald specialized artisans can make use of this: Silkweavers, Webwrights, Alchemists, Enchanters, Forest Rangers or Druids.
It can be crafted to a fine rope (about 60ft) that is also incredibly strong and is sought after for its hydrophobic qualities.
GP worth 200gp; depending on the condition. Careful extraction/containment is needed.
If should have been 10 by the looks of it - not sure why you were 5 down; but I’ve bumped it all back up - Though you still fail the saving throw😂
So I failed the throw :(
🎲 1...
ok i’m thinking now that it makes sense to find this spider victim and get more information on the humanoid that injured it. so if Estrella is going to find the spider i’ll go with her
“Sorry, I was mistaken, it seems like the spider was the one hunted and eventually injured. What if it needs help?”
Action: Climb with your roll, or do something else?
Sorry - I got to ahead of myself for this your one haha. Your response did say consider. so you don’t have to do a saving throw as I was suppose to confirm if you were climbing the tree.
Due to the roll though, it will incur a STR loss of injury.
But we can rewind time if you choose not to climb or Reroll the saving throw. (My bad)
also can we talk to spiders in this world?
“if the attacker managed to injure a giant spider, maybe they’re pretty tough. I’d better find out more before I engage them in a serious fight”
[Lore added: The black web silk]
Yes, if you’ll need to be - for example: trained / gifted / blessed / or through magic.
No one here much experience the vast forest/woods/regions yet to encounter such abilities. But it is possible :)
What else is everyone doing?
in that case, i guess i’ll choose not to climb lol
Rem’s hair stands straight up at the thought of a giant spider.
Alrighty - So you have two paths currently.
A) Proceed north to follow the spider tracks.
B) East has human footprints with a mix of toad/frog footprints.
(Noting: Malachi is collecting webs - if anyone wants to try as well?)
I’d really like to avoid meeting such a big spider, if possible, even the little ones give me the creeps.
“I’m fine either way... sounds like we might run into trouble no matter where we go...”
I try to climb up a bit to to get to the point where the silk is stuck to the branch, trying to corral a bunch together with one hand and then use my saw to get it off of the branch.
I’d like to follow the human’s track, they might be the one we are looking for.
I’m ready to follow along the human track as well, once I’m down from this branch.
Malachi shouts over
alrighty i guess i’ll go with the group then
Síofra Nods
As the group discusses their options, Malachi carefully pulls down the last of the webs he was collecting, calling over from his perch. The decision is made, and the eastern path, marked by human and frog-like footprints, stretches out before you.
As you follow the human footprints east, the landscape subtly shifts. The familiar greenery gives way to an unusual grove of vermilion trees, their trunks twisting upward like veins of blood. The footprints wind through the grove, leading you deeper into this strange area. The air grows heavier, thick with the cloying, sweet-sharp scent of sap that trickles from the base of each tree.
The sap collects into a wide, bubbling pool at the center, stretching 12 feet across. Its surface gleams with a thick, amber sheen, sticky and clinging to anything it touches. In the middle of this treacherous pool, a sharp, crystalline green object glints in the light, half-submerged in the viscous sap.
The change in the air hits you all first
—dense and sweet with the overpowering scent of sap, almost suffocating as it clings to your lungs. The gleam of the crystalline object immediately catches your eye, drawing your attention like a beacon in the otherwise dark grove. As you examine the tracks more closely, it becomes clear that someone has attempted to reach the object before. The disturbed footprints tell a story—there were multiple efforts to retrieve it, but judging by the chaotic structure of the prints, another fight broke out here.

7ft 👍
How will you proceed?
you mentioned that the sap was ‘treacherous’. is that just from stickiness? if I gently prod at the sap with one of my daggers, what happens?
Is it bad that I have zero interest in whatever is going on with the green object...?
Nope, perfectly fine - you play as you want; some folks want to survive, others risk it all (with a cost at times)
No, but I do, its shiny.
Rem pulls out a 10 feet pole they’ve been carrying around. (somehow without anyone noticing before).
Do the footprints we were following end with this bubbling pool? Or if we walk around it do they continue past?
As the dagger pierces the surface of the bubbling sap, it sticks immediately, as though caught in thick glue. The depth is still unknown and won’t be easy to navigate by foot.
the prints become irregular here, you can see attempts and slips at the edge of the sap. The prints continue into another opening (east) and there is one without prints leading to an area to the north.
eep! Quickly attempting to tug it back out. That’s one of my fav daggers
Doesn’t feel worth trying to go in there... maybe we should circle around and get a better perspective? Or I have a torch... we can see if we can burn the sap away...
ok now that my dagger is free i’ll circle around for a better perspective while you guys try the pole
I’ll await others reply as this seems like a question to the group
Don’t burn it, that might ruin the shiny!! I have this big pole that we could use.
Rem steps closer to the sap to see how far in is the green object.
Hmm, it does look like this can reach it. We could try to poke it out, or do something smarter if anyone has any ideas
Awaiting one more reply - but we can progress slightly.
Sofira glances at Rem, her eyes silently agreeing with their choice. She gives a small nod, ready to follow their lead.
I’m gonna go to the side of the pool where the green object is the closest, and then try to poke it to see if I can move it.
ooo i’m tempted, I really want to catch/kill that spider. but that discrete path beckons more strongly.
Sofira lingers just behind Rem. Her usually quiet demeanor is more intense here, as though something about the object speaks to her in ways it doesn’t to the others. She watches intently as Rem use the 10-foot pole to poke the object, her voice soft but audible,
I know the group wants to follow the person who wounded the spider , and now I’m also curious. they may turn out to be an even more worthy opponent
“It feels...alive, doesn’t it? Like it’s waiting for something... or someone.”
i follow the discreet path, blades drawn
If i look at the object more closely, do I notice anything? Can I also feel that the object is alive?
@Kid Dynamite: As you cautiously advance along the narrow path, your blades catch glints of filtered sunlight breaking through the canopy above. The disturbed vegetation tells a story - broken twigs at shoulder height, occasional scuffs in the soil, signs of a careful passage made. The air grows thick with tension as you proceed deeper into the woods. You continue forward, the canopy begins to open. You see in distance, atop a small hill is a wooden cabin. Roll me a D6 please.
Roll me a d6 please
1 lmao
@Rem As you try to look closely ... the details remain frustratingly elusive. The viscous fluid distorts your vision, and the crystal’s glow seems to pulse irregularly, making it difficult to focus. The dim light of the sap doesn’t help matters. When you gave the object the initial prod. you faintly felt a some sort of connection or presence within the crystal, and with Sofira comment, it is indeed not a regular crystal.
I .. rolled a 1
“Perhaps... perhaps we should consider bringing it closer.... I can try help with a long branch? ”
I’ll advance towards the cabin cautiously. Keeping low and blades drawn, looking out for signs of an ambush
Walks around the area to find something that could assist.
@Kid Dynamite - As you approach the small cabin atop the hill, you notice several crude traps scattered around the perimeter, already triggered—snares with snapped cords, and pits covered in disturbed leaves. Rows of stacked logs catch your eye on the western side, while animal skins stretch tightly across a tall rack to the east, drying in the breeze. Do you continue towards the cabin? or something else?
We need to get this thingy out, it has to be something special. I think if you two (Rem points at Síofra and Malachi) help me push it as far as we can, we can go to the side and then get it out with this pole i have.
Malachi moves to assist Sofira, his voice barely more than a whisper to avoid disturbing the eerie murmurings drifting on the wind.
“This way,” he gestures toward a fallen oak just off the path. “Careful. Those webs we saw might have company.”
i’ll investigate the animal skins to the east
@Kid Dynamite Stretched taut across makeshift frames are various animal skins of different sizes and textures. The air is thick with the pungent smell of tanning agents and preserved hide. Laying upon a log, there is a hand-made piece of Leather armour and quite thick. Thicker than the usual ones you’ve come across. (2Armor) Crafted with skill, you can assume it’s make is for protection against piercing attacks.
Sofira nods and smoothly ducks under the low-hanging branches, following Malachi’s lead. Together, they sift through the decaying leaves and scattered twigs. After a few moments, they return to the edge of the sap pool.
Rem, you notice the two of them carefully nudging the crystal closer. It glides easily through the sticky sap.
Signals to **Rem**
“I think this is enough??” (signs/gestures)
Is this better than my current leather armor?
If so I’ll take and equip it and then carefully sneak my way around the traps to the back of the house
@Rem Now within the poles reach, ready for you to act, what are we doing?
I want to use the side of the pole to push it to the nearest edge of the pool.
@Rem The crystal is at the edge the pool now. It green crystal reflects the light coming from the canopy. Malachi and Sofira are heading towards you.
“What do we do with it?”
Staring at it with awe.
“Who put it here?”
Stroking his chin with curiosity
I think we should follow the vampire, i dont know where he’s gone but its been a while since he left. Let’s take the crystal with us and then find out what it does later. It has to do something, right?
Rem Taking the green crystal you feel a mild energtic charge run through your body, you have a sense of relief, but it is not yours. Then it fades. You all continue to the path where Kid Dynamite ventured. Going into the narrow path way he went into. Making your way towards Kid Dynamite as you see him handling some sort of amour.
@VD: Before you do that, you see Rem, Malachi and Síofra walk up.
Did you find anything interesting?
They ask from Kid as they move closer to the cabin.
updated my character sheet w the new armor
just this cool armour, oh and the house is littered with traps
Why would anyone put traps in their house?
they’re around the perimeter. this looks like the home of the spider slayer
Maybe this spider slayer could help us find the people who sent us the letter!
Touches one of the skins
This one is fresh, no more than an hour.
Stroking of the chin.
“Perhaps we should... be careful... Someone who hunts is someone to be careful not to suprise”
Walks carefully and inquisitively towards the cabin.
Gestures to everyone Pointing down at the cabin’s door.
What Síofra sees is a ring of white dust sprinkled across the doorway
Weather: Cloud Time:: 3:30pm
A ring sprinkled in a line?
Ya, kind of like a ritual circle or warding circle at the foot of the door. You see say the first half, assuming the 2nd half of the ring is inside.
What knowledge does rem have on warding circles?

Like in this situation based on their background Rem would have some knowledge on them but I personally as the player know nothing

u can add knowledge here
So i need your help
INSIDE THE CABIN Very austere, with only a simple cot and small dining table.
Ah yes, if your background/character has exposure to it - you can ask as you did, and also what you did on your space is perfect.
Peers into the window


peeks over malachi’s shoulder
Rem kneels down and looks at the white powder.
What is this? Could it be salt?
Síofra also kneels
“I think so... looks like it was placed here on purpose... keeping something in.. or out?”
In a soft tone
“Hey guys.... looks like there’s a meal on the kitchen table. Duck! with root vegetables”
mmm i love duck
Someone definitely lives here, but no sign of them in the cabin.
if it’s something they’re keeping it in then why would they feed it a delicious meal?
is there an entrance that doesn’t have white power around it ? could we bust in from the chimney or something?
Roll me 🎲 d20 - twice
Your roll please
alternatively, maybe instead of sneaking I could just be the bait and make a lot of noise. you guys could watch from a safe place and get ready to ambush the person who ambushes me?
Rem is sooo bond 3
Got a 14
And i rolled a 🎲 13
Add this to your Character sheet and the new petty item:
This forms part of your backstory.
Bond 14 =
You promised a childhood friend that you’d bring them back a rare gift, something unique in all the world. Take a Bracelet (petty) woven from twine and wildflowers.
Wiping the drool
“Look I’m all for the bait plan, but I think the person that lives here might catch up - due to traps and all....”
Omen of your past
Swarms of insects are fleeing from the Wood in droves, destroying any wooden structures they come across. The sound of their wings hum a familiar tune as they pass overhead, like a forgotten nursery rhyme.
“I can boost you up if we wanna try get into the chimney - what do you guys think?”
Looking at Rem and Síofra
Sounds good , waiting on results
I’ve added the results.
Rem stands up, and steps away from the salt that’s around the house.
I don’t think this is a good idea, this looks like an alarm circle, whoever laid it wants us or something else to go in there for that meal.
One more d20 - for Omen
Could you also pick a backgound from the players handbook that aligns to your character.
Players hand book

Would outrider suit you best?
I think it’s better not to enter, and even if we get in, the meat might just be poisoned.
Haha, Yes - if you are able to enter without disturbing the circle - it won’t trigger since the object (Pole) is inanimate.
To clarify, you would be poking the food like a shishkebab to bring it out?
“Operation Chimney?”
Begins to cups his hands to give you a stepping boost
Can do, if you can find a way in - go for it.
Síofra takes out her notebook, and jots down some notes with her golden pen.
“I’m going to look around the cabin, there might be another way in?”
Thru the window!
How do you want to proceed?
Im gonna wait to see how operation pole turns out. Happy to try operation chimney after if that doesn’t work out
“Got it”
Begins walking towards
1 hour has ticked over.
Time: 3pm
Weather: Sun begins to leak light from the clouds above
Event roll: 🎲1
This is part of the game system, if players are in a location for too long
- Spends more than one dungeon cycle in a single room or location.
- Moves quickly or haphazardly through a room.
- Moves into a new area, level, or zone.
- Creates a loud disturbance.
🎲D12 = 11
No one notices this (Too far for you to notice + preoccupied)
As the adventurers plan,
something or someone begins to approach from a distance - they’ve been carefully watching...
Watching ever since they arrived.

Síofra carefully walks around the cabin - running her fingers on a wooden panels
Scrunching her face
She noticed blood begin to rise from her finger tips.
Looking at the panels of the back of this cabin. she sees mini thorns, progressively getting larger and more tangled as you get to the center.
And black webs
Does she find anything?
Die of fate = 🎲 3 -
Uh oh.
Rem uses their sword to sharpen the 10ft pole.
If i can reach the window, I want to get my pole in through there and skewer up the food the best i can.
The window is a little stuck, but with a little elbow grease,
Walks back to the group and rubbing her finger Shy, notices you guys are making progress and keeps to herself for the moment.
Malachi begins to drools
“I don’t know about you guys, but if we get this out - we won’t need to use our rations, and I’m hungry!”
I’ll consume a ration after I get the food out.
Sure, mark one ration off your sheet.
Optional: you can describe in-game what you eat
🎲 6
Your turn to respond
whoa awesome. can i get on the roof and then look around from my new height to see if i can notice the stranger?
Sure can, no risk as Siofra will aid you.
Síofra Nods Gives you a boost on to the roof
Looks at “So.... are we sharing this meal? Or do you think its poisoned...
What do we do??”
Where and what happened?
It does look delicious, but ... I think I’ll eat from my rations. You should ask the others if they want any.
Archiving this bit as well, to opt or the mini map

Watching rem
Takes a leg and stuff it in his mouth.
With a muffled voice, he asks the group:
“Does anyone want some duck - it’s tasty! - ??”

Fashioned a sharp 10ft pole

I might begin using boxes to track time + context titles
Kid Dynamite
Will be waiting for the pole plan
Síofra shakes her head
“Umm... I’m good - I’ll eat my orange...”
[1x orange removed.]

Opened the window - now very hungry
Sun is out
Give me a bite of that duck!

Partial reveal of what was inside when

on Roof

Day 1
Archiving this, as time will be recorded with boxes
Early Watch

Late Watch

Night Watch
Your on the roof!
Its just a background (like a class), not a faction
Rem’s also a fletchwind
It makes a piercing whistle to grab the parties attention
“The next one will not miss”
“State your business on my roof, eating my food!”
It shouts, while drawing another arrow.

I need his bow lol
(Okay, the food is not poisoned.)
We are trying to find some guy from the Order of nine, so he’s up there to look around.
What kind of bow are they using?
can we get a lore check on fletchwind? are they a group that might be associated with the order of nine?
About the bow:
It’s a White Ash bow - a finely crafted weapon, its wood is light yet resilient - it’s known to be strong enough to block a heavy blades strike.
Also check your character sheet - for a question
“Quickly, before he sees!”
Wipes the grease onto the grass and straightens up.
i need that
“Ugh... we come in peace”
Holding his hands up as a gesture of peace
I think he already saw
He eased his draw, lowering the bow and smoothly flipping it over his shoulder, the arrow still held firmly in his other hand and uses it to point at
Back to quick links

👈 Latest post tracker
Players hand book
“Order of the nine?”
He scans the party and he lets out a chuckle.
This is more of a high level map - abstracted to know your position
Event log

He approaches the cabin’s doorstep, you watch him drop a large, black spider leg beside the door. He raises his hands over the warding circle, murmuring an incantation under his breath, then breaks the ward.
Opening the door and walks in.
There is few moments of silence before it breaks.
“Well, are you coming in?”
Invite to meet RK somewhere here...

Areas visited
A cabin with a warding circle
There is toad statue outside of the edge of the woods
On roof
Síofra jaw drops, and drops the left over orange she was eating
“Woah. What do you guys wanna do?”

Rem put the green crystal in bag
Black webs on the cabin.
Grabs a piece of a duck
ya i’m in, maybe he’s got more duck
Watching K.D on the Roof
Ration eating
There is a roast duck in the cabin

If he has more I’m going in too

Stepping into the cabin, the air is rich with the scent of aged wood, pine, and a hint of lavender. A dusty shelf sags under the weight of forgotten books, jars of strange herbs, and a few small statues of toads. To the right, a well-worn table sits cluttered with scattered parchment and a plate with leftover vegetables and a missing main meal..
The day is divided into 3 watches of roughly 8 hours each:
Early watch (+/- 6AM -> 2PM)
Late watch (+/- 2PM -> 10PM)
Night watch (+/- 10PM -> 6AM)
The left side of the room is a workshop dedicated to crafting bows, swords, and leather gear. half-finished bows and half-forged blades hang along the wall, while strips of leather and tools for armor-making are neatly arranged on a sturdy workbench. A leather apron is draped over a worn chair, and a dummy stands nearby, displaying a partially finished cuirass—evidence of a skilled hand at multiple trades.
If this person is willing to help us, rem could make a bow for themselves here.
Amber sap pool
By the empty fireplace, you notice rows of plants, their colors eerily drained, leaving them pallid and lifeless. These plants resemble the same strange flora you encountered upon entering the woods.
“So, what brings you into the woods?”
He walks over to an earthenware cloche— it looks simple, unglazed, but with ous, you notice its adorned with intricate markings.
Síofra recognises the marks
She whispers to the group.
“The same carvings that depicts a scene of toads among a bountiful harvest...”
We got sent a letter that told us to comme here, we got some nice ponchos from the oxen rider
He walks towards the table with stolen food, wipes the left over into a composite bucket. Leaving only an empty wooden plate.
Then with earthenware cloche lid in the other hand, places it on top. Hovering his hands above - capturing a quiet anticipation, and then, a sharp clap reverberates through the air.
A few seconds later, the rich aroma of roast wafts toward you. As he lifts the lid, a mouthwatering display of roasted pork and duck, golden potatoes, and fresh leafy greens is revealed. He repeats this ritual with each plate around the table, bringing each one to life with a feast.
“First - you eat, then tell me your story”
Walks to put back the cloche in a cupboard.
Thank you.
Rem isn’t hungry after eating a few hours ago but they still take a smaller portion of the food and enjoy every bite of it.
This is really good
they say with their mouth still half full
Kid is famished and stuffs as much into his gaping maw as he can hold. After a few handfuls though, he coughs loudly, burps and then slows down .
he exclaims
(this is an old space, we are at part 5 now)