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LORE: Before you enter

Active players

On Hiatus (Warden controlled)

Change log


Past space - Session 1 -

Shared notes


Fast Travel to Overview card📨


BG: Fletchwind


Kid Dynamite


Cleaned up space

Switching more to 2e, so adding backgrounds to each character.

Added players handbook - for quick references (19mb via box)


Relics originate in the Roots. They cannot be created by humans, only found. They are ancient, and yet they sprout from rubble as if grown there.

THE WOODS ======== The Wood surrounds and divides the realm, representing not just one forest, but all forests. Denizens of the Wood are fiercely independent, believing they are subject solely to its rules. Its various peoples, creatures, and unrelenting natural elements have kept the outside world at bay since time immemorial. The Wood is the spirit of all forests, and they in turn are its flesh, and the life they support a sign of its health.